Ant 1.9.0 リリース記念


Antまだリリースしてたんか!?というのが最初のオドロキで、まだ1.9.0だったんだ!?ってのが次のオドロキ。Changelogみてみたら、1.8.4から一気に1.9.0に上がったみたいね。余計なお世話ながら、Ant 2.0 が出る日が来るのだろうか...と思うとおしりのあたりがぞわぞわするw

Changes from Ant 1.8.4 TO Ant 1.9.0

Changes that could break older environments:

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* Ant now requires at least Java 1.5 to compile and to run

* FixCRLF used to treat the EOL value ASIS to convert to the system property
line.separator. Specified was that ASIS would leave the EOL characters alone,
the task now really leaves the EOL characters alone. This also implies that
EOL ASIS will not insert a newline even if fixlast is set to true.
Bugzilla report 53036

* The CommandLauncher hierarchy that used to be a set of inner
classes of Execute has been extracted to the package.

* Any FileResource whose represented File has a parent also has a basedir.

* Removing the Perforce Ant tasks replaced by tasks supplied by Perforce Inc.

* Setting the default encoding of StringResource to UTF-8 instead of null

* Upgrade JUnit 4 to JUnit 4.11

Fixed bugs:

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* Made VectorSet faster.

余計なお世話ついでに、たまたま自分のブログの最初の頃を読み返す事があったんだけど、この10年近く仕事で使ってる道具がほとんど変わってないことに気付いた。つまり、言語はJavaで/without J2EEなWebアプリ(with JavaEEにはほど遠い)/ビルドツールはAnt/IDEIntelliJ(まわりはEclipse)/構成管理はSubversion。細かいバージョンは地味に変わってるけど、この組み合わせでほぼ10年続いてる、しかも絶賛継続中。
