隠しオプション(Registry)の出し方は、"Find Action->"Include non-menu actions"をチェック->'registry'とタイプ"して「Registry」を選択すると出る。
元ネタは「Live Templateを通常の補完(Ctrl+SPACE)にもリストアップする」で、その設定がこのRegistryにあるらしい(該当項目名は"")。IntelliJの他のリスト同様、適当な文字をタイプすると近似項目にジャンプするので、お目当ての項目を見つけ出すのにそう苦労はしないはず。
ide.mac.filechooser.native | off |
ide.mac.filechooser.showhidden.files | on |
→ OSXとSwing(Aqua L&F)って相性良くないよね
Key | Value |
actionSystem.assertFocusAccessFromEdt | on |
actionSystem.autoSelectTimeout | 1000 |
actionSystem.commandProcessingTimeout*1 | 30000 |
actionSystem.fixLostTyping*2 | on |
actionSystem.fixNullFocusedComponent | on |
actionSystem.fixStickyFocusedWindows | on |
actionSystem.focusIdleTimeout | 20 |
actionSystem.keyGestureDblClickTime | 500 |
actionSystem.keyGestureHoldTime | 400 |
actionSystem.keyGestures.enabled | |
actionSystem.mac.screenMenuNotUpdatedFix | |
actionSystem.mouseGesturesEnabled | on |
actionSystem.noContextComponentWhileFocusTransfer | on |
actionSystem.noDefaultComponent | on |
actionSystem.playback.autodelay*3 | 20 |
actionSystem.playback.useDirectActionCall | on |
actionSystem.playback.useTypingTargets | on |
actionSystem.quickAccessEnabled | |
actionSystem.quickAccessModifiers | |
actionSystem.quickAccessShowSpotsTime | 1500 |
actionSystem.secondKeystrokeAutoPopupEnabled | |
actionSystem.secondKeystrokePopupTimeout | 500 |
actionSystem.secondKeystrokeTimeout | 2000 |
actionSystem.suspendFocusTransferIfApplicationInactive | on |
actionSystem.typeAheadTimeAfterPopupAction | 500 |
actionSystem.typeAheadTimeBeforeDialog*4 | 2000 | | on |*5 | |
caches.indexerThreadsCount | -1 |
change.signature.awesome.mode*6 | on |
compiler.max.static.constants.searches*7 | 3000 |
compiler.perform.outputs.refresh.on.start*8 | |
compiler.server.debug.port | -1 |
compiler.server.enabled*9 | |
compiler.server.heap.size*10 | 300 |*11 | 5 |
compiler.server.use.external.javac.process*12 | on |
compiler.server.use.memory.temp.cache*13 | on |
compiler.server.vm.options*14 | -ea |
core.pooled.threads | 20 |
debugger.breakpoint.message.full.trace*15 | |
debugger.mayBringFrameToFrontOnBreakpoint | on |
debugger.valutTooltipAutoShow*16 | on |
disable.toolwindow.overlayed*17 | on |
documentation.component.editor.font | |
dump.threads.on.empty.lookup*18 | |
editor.balloonHints | on |
editor.dumb.mode.available | on |
editor.mouseSelectionStateResetDeadzone | 4 |
editor.mouseSelectionStateResetTimeout | 1000 |
editor.smarterSelectionQuoting | on | | on |
enable.animation.on.dialogs | |
enable.groovy.hotswap*19 | on | | |
file.structure.tree.mode | on |
filesystem.useNative | on | | | | http://pluginsrepo-test:8080 |
ide.appIcon.badge | on |
ide.appIcon.progress | on |
ide.appIcon.requestAttention | on |
ide.balloon.shadow.size | 15 |
ide.balloon.shadowEnabled | on |
ide.checkDuplicateMnemonics*20 | |
ide.consumeKnownToolkitBugs | on |
ide.debug.minPorgressTime | 0 |
ide.debugMode*21 | |
ide.dnd.textHints | |
ide.enable.toolwindow.stack | |
ide.firstStartup | |
ide.forcedShowTooltip*22 | alt | | on |
ide.lazyIconLoading | on |
ide.mac.filechooser.native | on |
ide.mac.filechooser.showhidden.files | |
ide.mac.fix.dialog.showing | |
ide.mac.hide.cursor.when.typing | on |
ide.mac.inplaceDialogMnemonicsFix | on | | on | | |
ide.mac.useNativeClipboard | |
ide.mac.recent.projects | 25 |
ide.popup.dropShadow | |
ide.showIndexRebuildMessage | | | on |
ide.splitter.mouseZone | 6 |
ide.tabbedPane.bufferedPaint | on |
ide.tabbedPane.dragOutMultiplier | 1.2 |
ide.tooltip.animationCycle | 150 |
ide.tooltip.autoDismissDeadZone | 300 |
ide.tooltip.callout | on |
ide.tooltip.dismissDelay | 4000 |
ide.tooltip.initialDelay | 1200 |
ide.tooltip.initialDelay.highlighter | 150 |
ide.tooltip.initialReshowDelay | 300 |
ide.tooltip.mode default | |
ide.tooltip.reshowDelay | 500 |
ide.tree.autoExpandMaxDepth | 5 |
ide.tree.autoscrollToVCenter | on |
ide.tree.checkStructure | |
ide.tree.clearOnHideTime | 120000 |
ide.tree.deferredicon.invalidates.cache | on |
ide.tree.ensureSelectionOnFocusGained | on |
ide.tree.expandRecursionDepth | 50 |
ide.tree.showBusyIndicator | on |
ide.tree.uiLockAttempt | 250 |
ide.tree.waitForReadySchedule | 250 |
ide.tree.waitForReadyTimeout | 250 |
ide.tree.yeildingUiUpdate | on |
ide.windowSystem.asyncSplitters | on |
ide.windowSystem.autoShowProcessPopup | |
ide.windowSystem.forcusAppOnStartup | on |
ide.windowSystem.hScrollChars | 15 |
ide.windowSystem.showListItemsPopup | on |
ide.windowSystem.showToolWindowButtonsSwitcher | on |
ide.windowSystem.vScrollChars | 5 |
inspectionGadgets.telemetry.enabled | |
jvmbugfix.mac.caccessibleLeak | on | | |
localHistory.daysToKeep*23 | 5 |
navbar.updateMergeTime | 250 |
navbar.userActivityMergeTime | 250 | | on |
projectView.showHierarchyErrors | on |
psi.deferIconLoading | on |
psi.incremental.reparse.depth.limit | 1000 |
psi.viewer.selection.color | |
show.all.classes.on.first.completion | | | |
structureView.coalesceTime | 500 |
testng.serialized.protocol.enabled | |
testng.skip.expected.exceptions | on |
type.ahead.logging.enabeld | |
undo.documentUndoLimit | 100 |
undo.globalUndoLimit | 10 | | | | on | | on |
vcs.showConsole | on |
*1:Timeout after which currently proccessed command is forcibly cancelled
*2:Redispatch events, lost between actions and dialog show/close
*3:Delay between events generated by the playback runner
*4:If dialog shown as a result of some typing, all key types withing this time will be redispatched after dialog is closed
*5:Automatically analyze clipboard on frame activation, and if there is a stacktrace calls Analyze Stacktrace
*6:Enables list view for change signature
*7:If the number of changed compile time constants exceeds this value, make will start full-project rebuild
*8:Whether to perform initial FS refresh before compilation starts. Need this to detect external changes to output dirs
*9:Enable out-of-process compilation
*10:Heap size value in MB for the compile server process
*11:Interval in seconds between ping requests the IDE periodically sends to server. If server does not receive pings for some time, it shuts down. Specify -1 to disable this feature.
*12:Run javac compiler in external process(allows to run compile server with smaller heap size)
*13:Store temporary data in memory for faster compilation; requires larger server heap size
*14:Additional options for compile server's VM
*15:'Log message to console' breakpoint action will out full stacktrace for the thread that hit the breakpoint
*16:Auto show tooltip on mouse over
*17:Disable transparent toolwindow stripes
*18:Whether IDEA should issue a thread dump when an empty completion lookup appears
*19:Whether IDEA should add a special java agent to the debugged process which allows to hot-swap Groovy changes in some cases
*20:Check for duplicate mnemonics
*21:Record additonal information to make bug reports more informative
*22:Shortcut for forced show tooltip
*23:Specify how many working days changes should be remembered. WARNING: Do not use local history as main version control since it may become corrupted if the IDE hangs.